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We enjoy finding ways to improve

The year is 2012. We were united by our ideals and looking for ways to put them into practice.

There were five of us at the time and the one thing we knew was that we never wanted to be ashamed of our work or how we treated our teammates or customers. We were united by our ideals and were looking for ways to put them into practice. 

We agreed on everything, on the level of values and the way we act. And that spirit of working together and collaborating has stayed with us.

ICE Team

In 2018, we became part of the Czech MTX Group.

Thanks to it, we have gained significant stability and potential for development. At the same time, our start-up DNA has remained important to us. Independence, creativity and flexibility are our elixirs of life. As are innovations, not only technical ones, but also those in the way the company operates.

MTX Group image

We are the first industrial company in the Czech Republic to abolish the hierarchical structure.

Our projects are implemented by self-directed teams using the ICEgile methodology. We prototype the company of the future. 

We look for optimal ratios. Our results and awards in the EY Entrepreneur of the Year 2019 competition show that we are succeeding.

Figure Structure

The ICE vision encompasses all areas of our work and every single one of us.

Even though there are over a hundred and fifty of us, we never work in teams larger than seven people. Each of us is responsible for our own part of the project. 

Each of us has to be proactive and make sure that we always keep our word and deliver at true quality, while being happy and proud of our work.


We do not avoid problems and complications, but instead, we solve them quickly, politely, and efficiently.

We are aware that this is the only way to gain and then maintain our position as the best player on the market. 

We have the best conditions for all this thanks to the background of the parent company Strojmetal, MTX Group and the set corporate culture.


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